From Here to There and Beyond
Thank you to everyone that came out for the exhibition opening and the lauch of the butterflies! This is the most ephemeral project I have done and it was really fascinating to see it unfold (pardon the pun) and take shape as participants took butterflies from the garden. I am thrilled that the project is already organically growing and expanding. If you want to join as a pollinator, please feel free to contact me with any questions! I am ordering stamps for the first pollinators (including my aunt in New Orleans!) so let me know if you are interested.
But back to the garden....(article continues after images)...

One of the things that was important to me was that the acts of kindness be anonymous, something we do because it is kind and not for a reward or for recognition. I think this mattered to be because, increasingly, we seem to be a society that seeks prizes and attention; nothing against rewards, but with this project, I was interested in a quieter kind of interaction.
But along the way, several people have told me it would be really interesting to hear the stories of what happened to the butterflies or to have some record of the process. Given that this is a participatory project that grows with all of your participation, I am adding space for that. If you took a butterfly and want to share your story, would love to hear from you in comments.